Inspiring a Global Community of Wellbeing
Cultivating the art of embracing simplicity to utilize life’s complexities
“As we learn to self-actualize by loving, healing and transforming ourselves, we become empowered to serve others to love, heal and transform themselves. Together we can love, heal and transform the world.”
Get Started with Heather, MPH
Most of my workshops are private engagements. Follow the link below to learn about a rare ‘open to the public’ opportunity to play with new and renewing instructors and tai chi players: Historic Clarkdale AZ March 6-8, 2024
Who is this for?
Calling leaders and decision makers responsible for creating and delivering sustainable programs for health caring, prevention, maintenance, workplace or wellness in their local and community or across their global network.
“Together we will map a path of training, mentorship, culture, collaboration, and community that leads to real results in health improvement and wellness management, reduced expenditure on health challenges, and empowered individuals taking charge of their own health and wellness.
“Everyone can benefit from adopting lifestyle change to promote health and reduce risk of disease. We need to know how to make use of natural options and low-cost, low-tech alternatives to the kind of high-tech medicine that we rely on now.” — Dr Andrew Weil, father of Integrative Medicine.
Calling all women in health care, health and wellness professions, self identified as change makers, visionaries, those and yearning to become involved in re-creating the current state of health care.
This program may be for you if you are ready to step in to:
inspired action to empower yourself by taking charge of your life and destiny path.
Learning the steps to Self Actualize on your unique path to influencing the sea change already awakening yet seeking leaders who can disrupt old paradigms and beliefs to create new cultures and systems.
Together we will incorporate the most efficient lifestyle practices available to women for integrating health and wellbeing on all frequencies- body, mind, emotions, spirit as we embody state of the art techniques for mastering self-leadership in any climate to be the change maker and fulfilled woman you desire to be in this life.
You are invited to join our growing community of women awakening to their unique and collective power to transform their own lives, empower others, unleash the potentials yearning to be brought forth for a bright empowered new world of hope, possibility, flourishing, sustainability.
This is for you if you are an individual or lead a group or organization seeking more balance, harmony and vibrant energy in all of your interactions.
Gentle yet profound Healing movements and dynamic meditations for an agile vibrant body, healthy balanced emotions, calm clear creative mind, loving joyful peaceful heart and so much more
Curated series of on-demand lessons and scheduled mentorship live events with recordings
Igniting Destiny

Are you feeling like we are living in a state of unsustainable? Your life, your business, your projects, the world…
What if you lived from a place of knowing balance and harmony is natural…
though it may not be what you think.
I’ll show you how to:
Harness the intrinsic energy of your true nature and align with the power of Nature to nourish and cultivate your unique life path,
be the calm human serving as a beacon of light in the storm,
make the contributions you are here to make (have you been feeling a yearning or calling for something new, something different than the path your are on?),
cultivate the resources and relationships required to flourish,
step into a new vision of who you are and who you can become.
If it feels like it is time to rise and shine for yourself, family, community, the world, then these lifestyle practices may be for you.
Our Services
It will be my honor to join you in an exploratory conversation to come up with a path that is best for you and determine clear and specific next steps. Please complete the form below so we can get started.
Contract with me for consulting and/or training and mentoring services for your organization. Contract with me for your VIP and/or Group Coaching and Facilitation incorporating ancient wisdom and modern transformational learning strategies and structures for your best lifestyle and continuous growth as a leader and change maker.
Chart your path, implement your program, track successes and learn from the whole experience, set new sights on what is next for you and/or your organization.
Heather Chalon, MPH
It is my life purpose to help others answer the questions I am asking you to consider and step into a new vision of creating and living your life on Earth. I have been there and back a few times. Now with clarity found, I enjoy the spirals of life, even when I see what may at first seem to be the same thing happening again… now I have the perspective, wisdom and power to create something new and profound for myself and with others.